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The increase of international economy appears to be the main power strength “in business in general and in Human Resource Management in particular” (Aycan, et al.,, 2000, p. 195). HRM has never been as essential as it is currently. The major objective for organizations, which perform within the international frontiers, is to control the various emphasizes of the motivator for unification (being combined around the globe) and delimination (being adjustable to domestic surroundings). It is highly important to analyze IHRM together with the topics of culture, compensation and benefits, international organizations and their structures, international assignment together with the legal and regulatory considerations. They will help demonstrate the importance of international business in the context of IHRM.

IHRM and International Organizations and Their Structures

Traditionally, the majority of the experiences concerning IHRM have been grounded on the research of multinational corporations (MNCs). A multinational corporation is identified as an organization, which operates in a number of countries despite the fact that it is controlled from one home country. In reality, if a company obtains “more than one quarter of its revenues from outside its home country, it is considered an MNC” (Edwards & Kuruvlla, 2005, p. 5). MNCs might appear to have any of the further forms: “a decentralized corporation that has a strong home-country presence” (Edwards & Kuruvlla, 2005, p. 5); “a global and centralized corporation that can acquire a cost advantage through centralized production” (Edwards & Kuruvlla, 2005, p. 5); “an international company, which builds on the parent company’s technology or research and development” (Edwards & Kuruvlla, 2005, p. 6); or a “transnational enterprise that combines all three of these approaches” (Edwards & Kuruvlla, 2005, p. 6). A decentralized corporation appears in a situation, when, for example, European companies, which expand abroad face local competition, thus, they require to create local production facilities, and these National Ants become increasingly independent. Thus, in the majority of these MNCs, human resource management is a major key for the achievement of the desired success. However, some researchers believe that it is better to use the term ‘multinational enterprise’ (MNE) due to the fact that the word ‘corporation’ implies business organizations, whereas the majority of other forms of organizations – such as non-governmental bodies or charities – might be deemed to have multinational characteristics (Aswathappa, 2008). The term ‘transnational corporation’ (TNC) is usually applied in order to depict a lot more complicated organizations, which have deposited in foreign operations, possess a principal and central conjoint competence, but provide solution-creation, R&D, and marketing capabilities to each and every individual of the foreign market. Universal territory structure and Strategic Business Units are the most widely applied forms of organizational structures for the large corporations. SBUs function as independent organization with a separate income statements and balance sheet. International dividing structure is utilized when both product diversity and foreign sales are low. All international operations are just focused on a single classification and the local home organizational structure is left to be unchanged. Area dividing structure is utilized in order to prioritize the geographic and territorial dimension and the MNC primary division, which are based on area. Such a strategy is good for a company with a narrow product line. Product division structure is particularly suitable for diversified MNCs with the wide products range. In this kind of structure, divisions are originated for every production or a number of similar productions, and these classifications are comparatively self-dependent and self-governing and are accountable for their individual value-originating operations. However, the challenge of globalization and the technology growth have allowed creating even more complex organizational structures, including the worldwide matrix framework and the management nettings (Aswathappa, 2008, p. 45). Global Matrix structure is ideally utilized when a company appears on a stage when both overseas marketing and production varieties are on a high level. Such structure combines the advantage of both the area and the product structure, local susceptibility, and global productivity. For the great majority of organizations, the value of the people who do the work is the largest single item of operating costs. As a matter of fact, it occurs more and more in the current world that the opportunities and the practice included in an organization’s human resources play the major role for a better productivity. Therefore, on both the value and profits constituents of the ballast, human resource management is highly important for the perdurance, productivity, and the prosperity of the company (Aswathappa, 2008). For an international organization, the supplementary perturbations of complying with the multicultural assumptions concerning the way people are to be managed and various institutional limitations appear to be crucial assistants to the changes of that prosperity. In order to operate in an international environment a human resource department has to be engaged in a number of activities including human resource projecting, staffing, education, practicing and evolvement, enumeration, productivity management and industrial relations. Many researchers believe that international human resource management (IHRM) is monosemantic to the expatriate administration (Aswathappa, 2008). IHRM, however, conceals a much wider diapason than simply the control and management of expatriates. It incorporated the global governance of people (Aycan, etal., 2000). The requirement for human resource professionals to adjust a growing global and international tendency in the nationwide operations is broadly estimated, and it is starting to become ever clearer. It is highly crucial not only to individuals performing in the huge and global MNEs but also to a lot of people “in small to medium-size enterprises” (Aswathappa, 2008, p. 98). Managers, who perform in the international surroundings, are definitely more dependent to the influence of international, areal and worldwide alternation and active performance than managers in a one-country action (Aswathappa, 2008). Moreover, this actually appertains to human resource managers the same way as it appertains to any other managers (Aycan, et al., 2000).

IHRM and Culture

Despite the fact that International HR (IHR) managers assume similar operations as their domestically-grounded associates, the scale and complicacy of these operations will hang on the capacity of internationalization of the organization. Because of the fact that the world moves towards a more global economy, all of the organizations are supposed to rethink their traditional ways of managing people. The things, which are normal customs and practices in one country, may be absolutely illegal in another country. Routine solutions on the occupation evolvement, for example, can become highly complicated in an organization, which performs across 30 countries. In any organization, the dominant goal of the human resource management (HRM) activity is to assure human resources are utilized in the most efficient way (Aswathappa, 2008, p. 98). Therefore, in order to achieve this, HR professionals assume a wide variety of functions and operations concerning staffing and sourcing, evolvement, reward and productivity management, HR projecting, employee participation, and linkages together with relationships. In the case, when an organization has strategical human resource activities, these operations will endure and denounce organizational strategy. Human resource professionals are also used extensively in organizational alterations and evolvement initiatives. In the case of an international organization, these HR operations have to be coordinated within both the home country and various national subsidiaries and to take into account the requirements of both the parent country nationals, host country nationals, and third country nationals (Edwards & Kuruvlla, 2005).

A key factor in the increasing internationalization of employment is they there are cultural discrepancies between nationalities – differences in national values and attitudes. The majority of people have stereotypes of “taciturn Finns, ebullient Spaniard, work-obsessed Americans, polite Japanese, modest Malays, etc.” (Aswathappa, 2008, p. 103). In fact, different nationalities do have different values, and these values affect the way people organize conducts and manage work. A knowledge and realization of cultural discrepancies is thus a significant division of an international human resource manager’s dossier. The usual HRM operations including enrollment and selection, education and evolvement, repay and productivity appraisal might all be influenced by cultural valuables and experiences in the corresponding host countries(Aswathappa, 2008, p. 132). Consequently, it is crucial to take great care in the process of the decision-making concerning the fact whether to adopt or not to adopt standardized HRM regulations and experiences around the globe.

Cultural difference should always be taken into account. As a matter of fact, the following HR areas may be affected by the national culture

· decisions of what makes an effective manager;

· giving face-to-fact feedback

· willingness to accept international assignments;

· payment systems and various concepts of social justice;

· approaches to structuring of various organizations;

· approaches to strategic dynamics (Edwards & Kuruvlla, 2005).

Cultures have a very significant influence on different approaches to managing people, therefore, the cultural discrepancies ask for diversity of all management practices and operations. HRM practices and operations appear to be the most vulnerable to cultural discrepancies, which might have crucial consequences for their framework and conformity (Aycan et al.,2000). The distinctive expectations in the international HRM suggest that the cultural discrepancies provoke discrepancies in personal apprehensions and assortment, which formulates the organizational conduct including professional stimuli, intercourse, debates, work-concentration, defining of objectives, productivity estimation and repay, making resolution and governance framework (Aycan et al.,2000). The crucial role of learning and researching the cultural discrepancies concerning the HRM operations, practices, and regulations in the appropriate fiction and experience is, at least, binary. On the one hand, the growing cultural variety flow out of the internationalization of the global economics implies that various organizations have become the challenging contexture for planning and performing the exceptional and thus integrated human resource management regulations and actions that are directed at intercultural troubles (Aycan et al.,2000, p. 219). On the other hand, the cultural discrepancy becomes more and more significant when learning the HRM regulations and experience in a congruous contexture. The same as countries develop unique patterns of values, norms, beliefs, and acceptable behavior, so do the companies, as well. The majority of MNEs take great pride in their ‘enterprise cultures’, which reflect, as least initially, the values, norms, and acceptance of continual improvement, and the treatment of customers. For the majority of MNEs, these values take advantage over country cultures, especially when there is a serious clash between them. For example, a lot of large MNEs that originate in the US or the UK may feel very strong about the assignment of women to senior management positions and will do this even in the cultures where it is rare (and not supported by cultural norms) or women to have these types of appointments (Aswathappa, 2008). As MNEs from Western countries may feel strongly in favor of egalitarian and contributing management manners and compensation experience and might conclude that such a value is that significant that they will have to implement a strategy to perform these experiences in their foreign performances. It may be done even despite the fact that the local culture supports a very different set of values (and often even in the face of resistance from the local cultural – even legal – norms). Alternatively, for instance, Asian MNCs may emphasis strong group loyalty and discussion, with deference to senior employees, in the way they operate, even in their foreign subsidiaries, even when this is not an accepted or understood way to operate by local employees and managers. Therefore, managing human resources in organizations requires understanding of the influence of both the inner and outer surroundings of organizations. The inner surrounding is represented by its inner work culture, whereas the outer surrounding is represented by the organization or institutional culture (for instance market peculiarities, the specifics of the industry, possession condition, and resource existence) together with the socio-cultural surrounding (for example paternalism, force extent, etc.) (Aswathappa, 2008). Both of these environmental forces are, in turn, influenced by the physical and the socio-political context (ecological, legal, social, political, and historical forces). It has to be noted that the term culture here is defined as general examples of convictions, conjectures, denominations, and norms of human groups’ behavior (Edwards & Kuruvlla, 2005). Namely, a cultural variable, which is able to impact HRM experience and operations, can reveal itself at three various levels (Edwards & Kuruvlla, 2005). At the most fundamental level, organizational “culture or the internal work culture operating within the organization, is construed as a pattern of shared managerial beliefs and assumptions that directly influence IHRM” (Haile, 2002, p. 15). These managerial beliefs and assumptions relate to two fundamental organizational elements: the task and the employees. Managerial assumptions, which are enhancing the operations, work with the disposition of these operations and the ways in which it can best be performed and achieved. Those assumptions, which are pertaining to the employees work with employees’ character and conduct. Managers execute IHRM practices based on their assumptions concerning the nature of both the task and the employees.

HRM and Compensations & Benefits

Compensation and benefits is a subdiscipline of human resources. It is focused on employee compensation, and it benefits policy-making (Haile, 2002, p. 2). As a matter of fact, employee compensation and benefits are divided into four basic categories:

· assured and certified payment – an established financial (cash) reward, which is paid by an employer to an employee. The most typical form of assured payment is basic salary (Edwards & Kuruvlla, 2005, p. 18).

· changeable payment – a non-fixed financial (cash) reward, which is paid by an employer to an employee that is conditional on decorum, productivity, or outcome gained. The most typical forms of changeable payment are premiums and motivations (Edwards & Kuruvlla, 2005, p. 18).

· benefits – the projects and programs that an employer utilizes in order to complement employees’ remuneration, including gainful spare time, medical safeguard, company car, etc. (Edwards & Kuruvlla, 2005, p. 18).

· equity-grounded compensation – inventory or false inventory programs an employer utilizes in order to provide genuine or recognized property in the company, which connects the remuneration of the employee to the long-lasting prosperity of the company. The most general samples are stock options (Edwards & Kuruvlla, 2005, p. 19).

A felicitous compensation strategy incorporates the process of keeping expatriates motivated while meting MNC goals and budgets (Haile, 2002, p. 4). MNCs’ human resource managers have to create an additional payment pack with the help of

· achieving corporate objectives at home and abroad;

· holding expatriates induced;

· keeping with the organization budgets (Aswathappa, 2008).

Such a strategical outlook on the connection between IHRM and the overall strategy is highly crucial for an MNC’s prosperity. An MNC that is able to evolve a seriously educated, versatile, and prompt international labor force is at a profit comparative to its concurrents; especially that workforce can be utilized strategically to support corporate goals. The globalization of business brings a host of management challenges concerning international benefits and compensation. MNCs’ HR have to focus on their strategic objectives and develop a comprehensive compensation plan, in terms of considering base pay, short and long-term inducements, benefits, and growth facilities. The objective of such a strategy is to ensure that both MNC’s long and short-term goals coexist in the compensation system without overlay, which would double a one payment plan for the similar goals. The main objective of the planning is also created in order to assure that the compensation system decoys and reserves the desired workforce and that it gives reason for people to perform those things, which endure the business project (Haile, 2002, p. 4).

Alternatively known as indirect compensation, hidden salary roll, fringes or service programs, and benefits constitute a substantial portion of international compensation. Benefits include suite programs such as entertainment, festival celebrations, gifts, utilization of club facilities, utilization of health club, provision of hospitality including food and beverage, vehicles, telephones and other telecommunication facilities, sponsorship of children, etc. International compensation and reward systems can play a crucial role in facilitating MNC’s global opportunities. The value of work (including both downright and sideway remuneration) is considered one of the greatest factors of motivation for the international business growth. MNC’s HR managers can utilize compensation packages in order to enhance the effectiveness of expatriate assignments. Smart MNCs harmonize business goals with the help of special compensation programs such as basic payment, imposts, permission, cost-of-living permissions, housing and reimbursable expenses (Haile, 2002). The wide and extensive HRM objective is to decoy, reserve and stimulate the working staff in the MNC at the moment and in the future (Haile, 2002, p. 18). In multinational companies, the IHRM is generally concerned with the compensation and reward of employees in global and international structure models, because in global and international models, the “compensation and reward system is developed and administered in headquarters” (Haile, 2002, p. 18). While in multi-domestic and transnational structures compensation and reward system is evolved in distinctive items and controlled by local human resource management, compensation and rewards system for the international expatriate is much more complex. The IHRM looks into various things including foreign services premium, hardship, relocation, education and home leave, etc.

IHRM and International Assignment

There are three different international orientations, “including ethnocentric, polycentric and geocentric” (Shaf, Yusaff, Hussan, &Hussan, 2012, p. 28), which have become the normal ordinary means to depict MNC staffing regulations. MNCs, which follow an ethnocentric staffing regulation, would inscribe mainly parent country nationals to best and ruling positions at their subsidiary companies, while MNCs, which follow a polycentric staffing regulation, would like to inscribe host country nationals. Organizations with geocentric staffing regulations would just inscribe the best person, regardless of nationally, and that could include third county nationals, nationals of a country other than the MNC’s home country and the country of the subsidiary. There are several motives for international transfers and international assignment. Firstly, it is important to fill a position, which concerns the transfer of technical and managerial knowledge. This motive is highly crucial for the developing countries, where experienced domestic nationals might not be available, but particular cognition and experience passing might be essential to subsidiaries in the developed countries, as well. The second major native is management development that the transfer provides to the manager with the international experience and develops for the future important tasks in subsidiaries abroad or within the parent company. The third motive concerns organizational development, which focuses exclusively on control aspects (Aswathappa, 2008). The transfers are utilized in order to ensure homogeneous practices in the company. As a matter of fact, world wide representatives are the transmitters of experience and cognition between their home location and the host subheads (Shaf, Yusaff, Hussan, &Hussan, 2012, p. 29). This is caused by the MNC’s increasing tentative to plough back on business facilities in developing and transpiring economies. It helps to “offset the lack of experience in the culturally and institutionally more distant environments” (Aswathappa, 2008, p. 178). International assignment provides MNC with a profound toolbox to refer to “the challenges of globalization and tailor these staffing options to the individual requirements” (Shaf, Yusaff, Hussan, &Hussan, 2012, p. 28). Therefore, international assignments are becoming more and more a strategic tool for MNCs to effectively rival on the international level.

IHRM and Legal and Regulatory Considerations

Global companies always have to take into account legal and regulatory considerations. Firstly, it is important to evaluate the general needs, goals, and objectives. This step requires the assigning to the client base and consulting with the legal and compliance counsel. The second step goes about assessing the employment situations. The global company will have to engage the legal counsel in order to review employment agreement and formulate the general exist strategy. The third step involves selection of the entity structure. Therefore, the company will have to determine the tax structure, liability issues, location, and name. Moreover, this step requires the creation of the business partnership agreement. The fourth step goes about protection of the business (Aswathappa, 2008). Therefore, the company will have to determine the insurance requirements, including businesses, E&O, life, debility, and buy-pout policies. The fifth step goes about the license and registration determination. Thus, the company will have to register SEC or state and register individuals. The last step goes about the preparation, flex disclosers, and form flings. The company will have to apply for ADV, Parts1 and 2 together with the completion of form U4. All of these steps are the starting point for navigating the legal and regulatory considerateness and requirements that come with the independence as MNCs (Shaf, Yusaff, Hussan, &Hussan, 2012). These steps do not have to be taken sequentially. The company can move forward with these items concurrently.


In order to conclude, it is important to mention that international business is highly important in the context of interactional HRM. Business education allows understanding all of the specifics of the developed business world together with the international business. It is highly crucial to understand all of the peculiarities of the international companies and their structures. Moreover, IHRM especially concerns the topics of culture, compensations and benefits, international assignments together with legal and regulatory considerations. As a matter of fact, an international human resource manager needs to have a global perspective of business in order to be effective in formulating and implementing human resource polices and practices. Finally, IHRM is closely connected with globalization, which highly affects human resource policies and practice. The current world is dependent on globalization, IHRM helps to deal with it and make the life of employees easier.


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Aswathappa, K. (2008). International HRM. New Delhi, Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Company.

Edwards, T., & Kuruvlla,S. (2005). International HRM: National business systems, organizational politics and the international divison of labor in MNCs. Internatonal Journal of Human Resource Management16(1), 1-21.

Haile, S. (20020. Callenges in internatonal benefits and compensation systes of multinational cooperation. The African Economic and Business Review, 3(1), 1-22.

Shah, F., Yusaff, R., Hussan, A., & Hussan, J. (2012). A critical review of multinational companies, their structure and strategies and their link with Inernational Human Resource Management. Journal of Business and Management3(5), 28-37.