1 . How do you determine what your charges will be? 

Having regards to my personal experience I would prefer between 2800- 3500 for me that will come about as time comes and the customers can grasp what they are going to purchase on my recommendation. 

Pap free services, monitors, and information while clients are waiting for you so that you do not have the clients there waiting forever for your help.

2 . How will you pay your employees? 

the payouts from my sexual Escorts in Lahore that means that my well being comes first as opposed to any additional salaries which will be very little.

  1. What expenses will you keep for legal documents in the business? 

Legal documents will be minimal as the success of our success will help in allocating for other undertakings which will in turn help our company and itself advance.

  1. Who can you have operate the business? I could have worked in my boyfriend's personal massage parlor but I would still seek the services of an experienced person.
  2. Can you accept payments online? 

Since we do not need to go through forms, legal agreements and clients signatures, we can do the business without all the technical verifiably regulated and repetitive requirements and procedures in place.

  1. Will you create any currency? 

Yes, I do not do any currency in order to help in saving the best off us as you could most definitely spend any kind of currency that you make thus your pay will.

  1. Would you hire self-employed workers? If so, what kind of work? 

No I would not hire self-employed workers due to lack of skilled professionals to do my work on demand and as far as wages are concerned; minimum wage need to be paid to workers who have jobs.

  1. How will you use business methods for good publicity and marketing? 

All manner of press conferences and media publicity will be done by me to raise our business name and to show potential customers what our services are about.

  1. How are you working in regards to employing the help you have already?

 In regards to this stage, I am employing my physical and mental capabilities in order to increase my income from prostitution but once everything gets successful, I will have more people in my business including my family.