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  • What are the identifiers in python with example?
    Introduction Similar to how every language has its own lexicon, each programming language has its own collection of keywords. A list of keywords is present in almost all high-level programming languages. Most high-level programming languages use the following keywords frequently: if, else, while, for, break, etc. Identifiers in python, these keywords are also referred to as reserved keywords....
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  • What are types of Loss Functions in Deep Learning?
    INTRODUCE There are various loss functions to pick from, and it can be difficult to know which one to use, or even what a loss function in deep learning is and what role it plays in neural network training. In this post, you will learn about the role of loss and loss functions in deep learning neural network training, as well as how to select the best loss function in deep learning for your...
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  • Decision Making in Python
    Introduction Decision making statements in python For deciding whether or not to carry out a block of code, programmers employ if else statements, often known as decision making statements. In real life, we are often faced with choices, and it is on the basis of these options that we determine our next course of action. Even in computer code, there are times when we have to make a call and then...
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  • Scope of The Variables in Python
    scope of variable in python You should keep in mind that a variable is just a name for a storage place. It has the potential to store value. Statically typed languages restrict scope of variable in python to only holding values of their specified kinds. In Python, we can save different data types in the same variable.  Like the memory feature on most calculators, a variable...
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  • Advantages and disadvantages of decision trees?
    Advantages and Disadvantages of decision tree There are advantages and disadvantages of decision trees and drawbacks to using decision trees, and they vary depending on the nature of the problem being solved. A decision tree is a graphical representation of a problem's possible answers under specific assumptions. A decision tree's structure is identical to that of other tree-based data...
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  • What is CRISP – DM Methodology?
    Why is CRISPR-DM even required? CRISPR - DM (Cross-Industry Standard Process for Data Mining) is a tested and true way for directing your data mining operations. To grasp the technique better, first understand the typical stages of a project, the tasks connected with each phase, and the links between these tasks. Conclusions and Analysis Evaluation considers which model best fits the business...
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  • TypeError: 'int' object is not subscriptable
    Introduction Objects in Python can be subclassed in some cases. As such, they can contain and contain other objects, but an integer cannot. In Python, whole numbers are stored in objects called "Integers." An error will occur if we try to subscript an integer. This article will focus on a specific Python programming error—the TypeError: int object is not subscriptable—and how to fix...
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  • Namespaces in python
    Introduction We can't write logical Python code until we know what namespaces in python are and what a variable's scope is. This topic is important because it sets the stage for changeable behaviour, which could cause problems if not understood.Before we get into namespaces in python, here's a quick review of Python variables.When working with statically typed languages like C, C++, and Java,...
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